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Voice and Data Communications On-Line Curriculum
MPLS Networking

This course discusses the rationale for Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), and the use of routers and switches in an MPLS system. It describes the developments and initiatives that led to MPLS. It outlines key MPLS advantages, and shows how they benefit new broadband IP networks. The course compares operations in a standard (non-MPLS) routing domain with the label switching and forwarding of an MPLS domain. It also describes the MPLS shim layer, its Layer 2 operations and its structure. The course concludes by looking at the chronology of IP switching initiatives.


TCP/IP Networking and ATM Networking

Global Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to list the advantages and benefits of MPLS networks.

Target Audience

This course is intended for network professionals and managerial staff who are interested in learning the basics of MPLS technology. It is a prerequisite for anyone who has no knowledge of MPLS, and wishes to take more of the MPLS course set.

Target Time

2 hours

For more information about this course, please contact us

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