- Policy on Diversity
It is the policy of ENS eLearning Solutions to manage the diversity of our employees and organization by building an inclusive workforce
and Board of Directors, fostering an environment of respect for the individual, and offering opportunities for all persons to
develop to their full potential while employed in the organization.
Diversity is believed by the organization to be the value that different perspectives and cultures can bring to ENS eLearning Solutions.
We have adopted a proprietary approach to our duties in this area which we call the
VALUE DIVERSITYTM approach. This entails:
- Valuing the culture of all employees equally within ENS eLearning Solutions.
- Assessing how different cultures and perspectives can add value to ENS eLearning Solutions.
- Leading by example. All employees and managers commit to the value of diversity.
- Undoing stereotypes that undermine equality in the workplace.
- Evaluating continuously whether there are barriers to diversity in ENS eLearning Solutions.
In adopting the VALUE DIVERSITYTM approach we expect all employees to have an active role
in implementing our Diversity Policy. Management officials share responsibility and accountability for achieving our
diversity goals and are fully committed to an inclusive workplace that does not discriminate.
- Non-Discrimination and Reasonable Accommodation Policy.
ENS eLearning follows all the applicable laws and guidelines on non-discrimination and reasonable accommodation for
employees with disabilities and other enumerated groups under applicable Canadian and U.S. law. This includes non-discrimination
in hiring practices and employment equity/affirmative action initiatives required under applicable U.S. and Canadian laws and
policies, including the Canadian government's federal contractors program.
- Reprisals.
Under applicable U.S. and Canadian laws, reprisals are a serious and unlawful form of discrimination. All employees are
entitled to a work environment free of discrimination. Employees must feel free to complain to superiors or outside agencies
such as Human Rights Commissions without fear of retribution. Any supervisor, manager or official of ENS eLearning Solutions found to
have engaged in reprisals will be severely disciplined up to and including dismissal.
- Policy against Sexual, Racial, National Origin, Religious or other forms of unlawful Harassment.
The policy of ENS eLearning Solutions is to provide work and service free from any form of unlawful harassment under applicable
U.S. and Canadian laws. Whether in the head office, or other work related settings, such harassment is unacceptable
and will be dealt with severely. Sexual harassment involves unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or
any verbal, physical or graphic conduct of a sexual nature when:
- submission is explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or service;
- submission or rejection is a basis for work or service decisions; or
- such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the work or service performance or creating an
intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or service environment.
Slurs and other verbal or physical conduct relating to an individual's race, national origin, religion or other
unlawful ground can also constitute unlawful harassment when that conduct's purpose or effect is to interfere with the
work or service performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or service environment.
ENS eLearning expects all employees and managers to take immediate and appropriate action to prevent or stop such harassment
of employees, service participants or consultants of which they become aware, whether the harassing is being done by employees
or outside individuals such as consultants. In keeping with our policy on reprisals, we will deal most severely with any form of
reprisal against a legitimate complaint of harassment. We will also deal severely with any employee who falsely, with
malicious intent asserts a false claim of harassment.
Any employee, consultant or service participant, who genuinely believes they have been subjected to harassment in
violation of this policy can raise their concerns with any manager, member of ENS eLearning Solutions's Board or the CEO.
All inquiries about our Equal Opportunity and Diversity Policies should be directed to info@enselearning.com.
Inquiries can also be made in writing to: |
ENS eLearning Solutions Inc.
Attn: Policy Director
294 Albert Street
Suite 404
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6E6