Services | Planning | Information Architecture
Information Architecture
Information Architecture focuses on helping users to find their way around e-learning content quickly and easily. We
focus on taking your existing information, your user's needs, and the goals of the organization in constructing a
learning portal. Our emphasis on searching, navigation, and indexing and labelling learning objects helps end-users
find their information more efficiently and provides the architecture to facilitate management of your curriculum.
Integrating Metadata helps to create a standard, uniform way of labelling learning objects so they can be discovered,
referenced and used. It provides an abstract mechanism to associate high-level information about an object so that
external systems can access it. Information about learning objects helps in making instructional decisions by:
- Helping users to define characteristics
- Helping users discover through searching
- Enabling a common method of reference
We work with our clients to integrate a metadata model. The IMS metadata schema, for instance, currently has 86
elements and 19 core elements that are organized into nine different categories, which are:
- General: Information on Learning Objects as a Whole
- Lifecycle: History and Current State of the Resource
- Meta-metadata: Features of the Description vs. the Resource
- Technical: Technical Features of the Learning Object
- Educational: Educational Features of the Learning Object
- Rights: Conditions of Use of the Learning Resource
- Relation: The Resource in Relation to Other Objects
- Annotation: Comments on the Educational Use